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Date: 15 December 2024

‘Tis the season to be – Part 3

This season, which is appropriately called “the silly season,” because of all the silly things that clamour for our attention, sometimes finds us forgetting what the season is actually about. If there’s a passage of Scripture that can remind us what the season is actually about, it’s the one we’re going to be turning to today, in our series, ‘’Tis the season.’ It’s found in the Gospel of Luke, Luke 1: 39-55, and involves two of the main participants in the Christmas narrative, neither of whom had any difficulty keeping their hearts trained on the real reason for the season. The Christmas season also emphasizes the importance of being together. We would love for you to be together with us as we look at what we should be thinking about over this time. If you're away or just not able to be with us, we would love you to join us live online on YouTube at 9am.

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