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Date: 14 January 2024

MORE – Moving from activity for God to intimacy with God – 2

Last week in the first message in our series, “MORE – How to move from activity for God to intimacy with God,” we acknowledged that frequently in life things are not as they are supposed to be. To some extent, that’s to be expected because we are living in a fallen world, a world in which Jesus guaranteed we will experience trouble. Knowing that as a result, things rarely work out perfectly, we become content with “good enough.” While that may be acceptable in certain situations and areas of life, we simply can’t settle for making do in our relationship with God. Jesus didn’t come just to save us from the consequences of our sin, although that, in and of itself, is something for which we should be eternally grateful; Jesus came that we may have life and have it to the full. There’s no special formula for moving into an intimate relationship with God but there certainly are some patterns, some important shifts in thought and action that the Bible directs us in. So what's the first SHIFT we need to make in pursuit of a life of MORE? In our thinking we need to SHIFT from inside to outside, and in our actions, we need to admit our failure to do so, confess our sin, and ask for forgiveness. Please join us on Sunday morning at 8 am to find out what that SHIFT entails.

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