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Date: 18 August 2024

Fear factor vs faith factor 07 – The fear of getting old

This Sunday morning, the 18th of August, in our series, “Fear factor factor,” we’re going to be looking at the fear of getting old. As my latedad often reminded me and all the cashiers, car guards, barbers, waiters, andanyone else who cared to listen to the musings of a madala, “Getting old isn’tfor sissies.” Unfortunately his exhortation, “Don’t get old,” that followedsoon afterwards can’t be heeded, because ageing is unavoidable. Ironically, gettingold is one of those things in life that we all want, but because of theconsequences, don’t want, all at the same time. So, how exactly do we navigate old age, and avoid getting overwhelmed by the prospect of it? David and Solomon have some biblical direction for us in Ecclesiastes 12 and Psalm 71. We'd love for you to join us to hear what they have to say. If you can't make it in person, then please join us live on YouTube at 8 am.

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