Fear factor vs faith factor 03 – The fear of not having enough
Today marks the third message in our series, “Fear factor vs. Faith factor.” In the first two weeks, we looked at two closely aligned fears, “The fear of failure,” and “The fear of being inadequate.” Today, we’re going to be looking at what many consider to be their greatest fear, “The fear of not having enough.” It’s a fear that occupies people’s minds and invades their hearts. In looking at the fear of not having enough, I want us to give some thought to what “enough” means. Perhaps a good place to start, is with a dictionary definition from Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. After providing substantial information on the etymology or origin of the word “enough." ”MW’s finally defines “enough,” as: *enough \i-ˈnəf, ē-, ə-\ adjective -: occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet demands, needs, or expectations[enough food for everyone.] To be perfectly honest, I think that all MW’s does with their definition, is to demonstrate how difficult it is to define “enough.” To define it according to demands, needs, or expectations, and we might add wants, highlights why this fear runs so rampant, because I think that we would all agree that there is a world of difference, or at least there can be, between what people demand, expect, want, or need.