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Date: 31 December 2023

Ecclesiastes – Life in a nutshell – Part 2

As we’ve worked through the Book of Ecclesiastes, there was undoubtedly a part of the book where King Solomon felt as though life wasn’t really worth living. All in all, it seemed so monotonous, pointless, worthless, futile, empty, vain. He’d done one critical thing to arrive at that depressing conclusion. He’d taken God out of the picture. He’d looked at life “under the sun.” Thankfully, he reevaluated his deductions by systematically looking at each area of his life. Only this time, he made God a vital part of the equation, and boy what a difference His presence made. Solomon sums up just how big a difference in the closing two chapters of Ecclesiastes in which we noted last week, he gives us four pictures of life with God, along with a very practical exhortation: Life is an adventure – live by faith (11:1-6); Life is a gift – enjoy it (11:7-12:8); Life is a school – learn your lessons (12:9-12); Life is a stewardship – revere God (12:13-14). We examined the first two pictures and exhortations last week and will wrap up our study with the last two pictures and exhortations this week.

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