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Date: 20 October 2024

What does the Bible say about how you get to heaven?

Over the course of the last 20 years, I have had the privilege of conducting numerous funerals and memorial services. If you’re wondering about the difference between the two, a funeral has the coffin present, while a memorial doesn’t. It’s the kind of thing you may want to talk to your family about while you’re still alive. The age range of those who had passed away was great, from just a few days old, all the way into the nineties. There was, very naturally, also a range of men and women, churchgoers and non-churchgoers. There were big funerals and small funerals, long services and short services, funerals with many eulogies and funerals with few, funerals with lots of singing and funerals with barely any singing at all. But the one thing every funeral and memorial had in common was families that desperately wanted to believe that their loved one had gone to heaven and that one day they’d be reunited. Do you know if you're going to heaven? Can one know? What does the Bible say? That's what we're going to be looking at in the first message in our questions series, which we'll be turning to monthly in the future - What does the Bible say about how to get to heaven? Knowing the answer to that question is the most important thing anyone can ever contemplate.

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